Organic Dry Fruits & Nuts

Organic Dry Fruits & Nuts

₹ 450.00
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Dates are the fruits of date palm tree that are very nutritious with a...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Black Raisins are obtained by sun drying the black grapes. Black raisins may be...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Natural Unsalted Pistachios are small, lengthy, yellowish green dry fruits. They have mild flavor...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Natural Dried Figs are round, reddish brown, wrinkled plump. Figs are high in natural...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Natural Walnuts are irregular in shape with an earthy nutty flavor. Walnuts are rich...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Whole Cashew nuts are kidney shaped grayish brown nuts with dense health benefits. They...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Native Raw Groundnuts are spherical thick seeds that are excellent plant based protein and...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Brown Kismis are shriveled dried grapes with dark brown hue, soft texture and sweet...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Native Roasted Groundnuts are highly aromatic with a mild sweet flavor.Its consumption prevents heart...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Natural Whole Almonds are golden brown crunchy seeds with immense health benefits. They are...
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Kashmiri Saffron Threads, also known as Kesar is a wonder spice. Saffron contains...
Product Description: Daiviks’s Organic Split Cashews are grayish brown split nuts that has an earthy flavor and distinctive...
₹ 450.00
₹ 250.00
₹ 800.00
₹ 550.00
₹ 550.00
₹ 425.00
₹ 140.00
₹ 225.00
₹ 150.00
₹ 425.00
₹ 360.00
₹ 395.00