Organic Pulses, Dals & Legumes

Organic Pulses, Dals & Legumes

₹ 170.00
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Soya Chunks are made from defatted Soy flour, a byproduct of extracting soy bean oil and...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Toor Dal is one of the healthful dals widely used and cultivated over 3500...
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Split Moong Dal with skin is a golden glory as it retains all...
Product Description: Daivik’s Organic Mud Packed Toor Dal or Mannkattiya Thuvaram Paruppu is one of the exotic healthful...
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Whole Green Gram is a small, round, olive green dal with a mild...
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Roasted Split Bengal Gram is a tiny, hard, creamy white gram with a...
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Native Horse Gram is a high-powered gram that is slender, short that resembles...
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Red Kidney Beans is a dark red bean that visually resembles the color and shape...
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Chick Pea, also known as Garbanzo or Chi chi beans is a lustrous...
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Green Peas are small, spherical starchier legume obtained by drying and removing the...
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Whole Bengal gram is a vivid yellow, short and round lentil cultivated predominantly...
Product Description : Daivik’s Organic Split White Gram without skin are the smooth oval shaped seeds of leguminous plant Vigna Mungo, its originally...
₹ 170.00
₹ 150.00
₹ 160.00
₹ 170.00
₹ 150.00
₹ 150.00
₹ 190.00
₹ 190.00
₹ 160.00
₹ 130.00
₹ 150.00
₹ 160.00